
Pintar is an LMS Platform student with a UMS Platform for Universities. Enables other vendors to apply to Prakerja using the Pintar Platform.
visit: pintar.co
Tech: Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Docker
Bisa Consulting

Bisa Consulting is a learning platform to take a project management professional certificate.
visit bisa-consulting.com
Tech: Laravel
Qoala Revamp

Qoala is an online insurance marketplace where you can search, compare, and buy the best insurance products from trusted insurance companies quickly and easily
Task: Convert Figma To HTML
Tech: TailwindCSS

YuBisaYu is a social fundraising digital platform, born out of the vision of building a safe and reliable place to connect people who want to help others to individuals/ organizations with their humanitarian causes and campaigns.
Visit: yubisayu.com
Tech: Laravel, Stripe API, Espay API

PT. Bolan Mandiri offers ease of ordering, speed of production, and payment terms for quality customers need to strengthen their identity through printing, merchandise, and garment promotions.
Tech: WordPress ( Elementor )

Digital Marketing Solutions for Your Business - iMpulse will help your company grow through online platforms and achieve your digital goals.
visit impulse.co.id
Tech: Laravel

Established since 2017, PT Gudang Pelangi Indonesia is an Indonesian company seeking to challenge digital transformation in the archipelago. We build properties that capture the attention of Indonesian consumers and aim to deliver high-impact digital landscape solutions in Indonesia.
visit gudangpelangi.co.id
Tech: TailwindCSS

We are Bavana, venture capital Indonesia with a mission to help startups reach a stage of rapid growth. We can build managerial skills, train their talents, connect with the right partners, and secure capital for the early stages and beyond.
Tech: Laravel

Solarpedia is a hub where you can learn more about commercial solar and battery storage.
visit - solarpedia.com.au
Tech: Laravel

InaGloss is an online portal that contains news and entertainment to provide information to readers both at home and abroad. InaGloss has interesting content such as news, tech, travel, lifestyle, and business that can help you find the most up-to-date information.
Visit inagloss.com
Tech: WordPress

Feature - User chat, survey
Happiness Festival is an annual event as a form of celebration of the International Day of Happiness.
visit https://www.happinessfestival.id/
Tech: Laravel

Feature - E-commerce
Muslimadani presents Muslim Men's Clothing that is modern, contemporary, and casual. We use materials of good quality so that the Muslim clothes you use such as clothes and clothes are comfortable to use when on the move or worshiping.
Visit https://www.muslimadani.com/
Tech: Laravel

Feature - real-time chat
Become a place for stories about problems faced by students online. Take preventive measures against stress and depression.
Tech - Vue
Visit https://www.psych.id/
Tech: Laravel + VueJS

Feature - E-commerce, Cashback
SuplemenFactory is a subsidiary of CV Nutri Fit Indonesia.
Build in 2012 by only selling 1-2 brands, we have continued to develop into the largest Fitness Supplement Shop in Indonesia.
Visit https://www.suplemenfactory.com
Tech: Laravel

Wima Consultant is one of the marketing consultants who focus on end-to-end marketing, which is included in the campaign needed by the brand.
Visit https://wimaconsultant.com/
Tech: Laravel

Small update - changing routing for blog ID to name and also category
Had to learn a new framework Yii, didn't need to learn that much because it has a similar flow as laravel.
Tech - Framework - Yii
Visit http://lavischool.com/
Umroh Bareng Yuk

Feature - Booking System for Umrah, Can chat between other backpackers
Visit http://www.umrohbarengyuk.com/
Rumah Boci

Feature - Accounting System for manufacturing, Quotation, Invoicing, Sales, Journal, Reports Etc
Visit http://rumahboci.madindo.com
Tech: Laravel
Koperasi Amphuri
Feature - Booking System for Hotel, Bus, Airplane, Umrah
Visit http://koperasi.amphuri.org/
Tech: Laravel

Feature - Asset Management for Banners, Banners will be added Longitude and Latitude automatically when uploaded.
Tech: Laravel
Feature - Landing Page, Introducing Idongeng that comes with an App
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/idongeng-landing-page/
Tech: Laravel

Feature - Website Focusing on Health
Visit - http://haidokter.com/
Post - http://www.fedrianto.com/haidokter-landing-page/
Tech: Laravel
Labbaik Mobi

Feature - Landing Page, Introducing Labbaik Mobile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/labbaik-mobi/
Tech: Laravel
Kateda Matahari

Feature - Registration for Students
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/kateda-matahari/
Tech: WordPress

Feature - Entrepreneur Pitch
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/appsco/
Tech: Laravel

Feature - Consultation with I-mom
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/ibunda/
Tech: Laravel
Aditianoviansyah / Anophotowork

Feature - Selling photo
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/anophotoworks/
Tech: La

Feature - Internal HR Web Based, Teachers Counted Salary, Reports
Tech: Laravel

Feature - E-commerce for shoes
Post - http://www.fedrianto.com/natanashoes-com/
Tech: Laravel

Feature - Hotel booking site
Post - http://www.fedrianto.com/gonla-com/
Tech: Laravel
Feature - Facebook commerce
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/onigi/
Tech: Laravel
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/jemimahouse/
Tech: Laravel
Mandiri Tunas Finance
Feature - Company Profile, Calculator for cars
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/mandiri-tunas-finance/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/nuantero/
Tech: Codeigniter
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/cimory/
Tech: Codeigniter
Pt. Kuarta Putra Pratama
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/pt-kuarta-putra-pratama/
Tech: Codeigniter
Red Square Jakarta
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/red-square-jakarta/
Tech: Codeigniter
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/obscuratv/
Tech: Codeigniter
Feature - Betting site with Ewallets
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/bolaone/
Tech: Codeigniter
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/gilitrawangan-the-perfect-getaway/
Tech: Codeigniter
Esia Billboard Intranet
Feature - Intranet for billboard, renting space
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/esia-billboard-intranet/
Tech: Codeigniter
Nyoman & Andri Blog
Feature - Blog
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/nyomanastria-blog/
Tech: Wordpress
Waspada Online
Feature - News Portal
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/waspada-online/
Tech: Codeigniter
Servitama Consulting
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/servitama-consulting/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Ecommerce for cars and motorbikes
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/indoshowroom/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/arlecindosakti/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
PT. Prata Cipta Lestarindo
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/pt-pratama-cipta-lestarindo/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Information site
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/1menit/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Ecommerce for property
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/propertyforliving/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Dua Daya Sinergi
Feature - Company Profile
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/dua-daya-sinergi/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Ecommerce for kids
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/krucil/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - POS
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/flexipos/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature - Consumer Open Letter
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/keluh/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
Feature Ecommerce
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/mybrandedthings/
Tech: Vanilla PHP
POS Quiksilver
Feature - Desktop Software POS
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/flexipos/
Tech: Visual studio
Koperasi SMAN 78
Feature - Sms Gateway
Post http://www.fedrianto.com/peminjaman-sistem-koperasi-sman-78-2/
Tech: Vanilla PHP