Anthony Robbins - unlimited power Notes

Ultimate power is the ability to produce the results you desire most and create value for others in the process. Power is the ability to change your life, to shape your perceptions, to make things work for you and not against you. Real power is shared, not imposed. It’s the ability to define human needs and to fulfill them, both your needs and the needs of the people you care about. It’s the ability to direct your own personal kingdom, your own thought processes, and your own behavior, so you produce the precise you desire.

It’s important to remember that emotions like depression do not happen to you. You don’t catch depression. You create it, like every other result in your life, through, specific mental and physical actions. In order to be depressed, you have to view your life in specific ways.
For every diciplined effort there is a multple reward - Jim robn
Ultimate success formula, the first step to this formula is to know your outcome, to define precisely what you want. The second step is to take action, otherwise, your desires will always be dreams. you must take the types of actions you believe will create the greatest probability of producing the result you desire. the third step is to develop the sensory acuity to recognize the kinds of responses and results you’re getting from your actions and to note as quickly as possible if they are taking you closer to your goals or farther away. The fourth step, is to develop the flexibility to change your behavior until you get what you want. Knowing what response we are getting and kept adapting until they we found what worked.

There are 7 basic triggering mechanisms that can ensure your success :
- Trait Number One : Passion! Passion gives life and power and juice. There’s no greatness without a passion to be great.
- Trait Number Two : Belief! People who succeed on major scale differ greatly in their beliefs from those who fail. Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we will be.
- Trait Number Three : Strategy! A strategy is a recognition that the best talents and ambitions also need to find the right avenue. You can open a door by breaking it down, or you can find the key that opens it intact.
- Trait Number Four : Clarity of Values! Values are specific belief systems we have about what is right and wrong for our lives. An understanding of values is one of the most rewarding and challenging keys to achieving excellence.
- Trait Number Five : Energy! Great success is inseparable from the physical, intellectual, and spiritual energy that allows us to make the most of what we have
- Trait Number Six : Power! The greatest success is not on the stage of the world. It is in the deepest recesses of your own heart. Deep down, everyone needs to form lasting, living bonds with others. Without that, any success, any excellence, is hollow.
- Trait Number Seven: Mastery of Communication! People who succeed in life are those who have learned how to take any challenge that life gives them and communicate that experience to themselves in a way that causes them to successfully change things.
People with riches, ever wonder why they differs from us? The difference all comes down to the way in which we communicate with ourselves and the action we take. It is not what happens to us that separates failures from successes. It is how we perceive it and what we do about what “happens” that makes the difference.
One of the presuppositions of NLP is that we all share the same neurology, so if anyone can do anything in the world, you can, too, if you run your nervous system in exactly the same way. This process of discovering exactly and specifically what people do to produce a specific result is called modeling.
Building from the successes of others is one of the fundamental aspects of most learning.
3 forms of mental and physical actions that correspond most directly tot he quality of results we produce.
- Belief system. When you don’t believe you can do something, you’re sending your nervous system consistent messages that limit or eliminate your ability to produce that very result. If, on the other hand, you are consistently delivering to your nervous system congruent messages that say you can do something, then they signal your brain to produce the result you desire, and that opens up the possibility for it. So if you can model a person’s belief system, you’ve taken the first step toward acting as he does, thus producing a similar type of result.
- Mental syntax. is the way people organize their thoughts, syntax is like a code. The same is true in reaching the part of your brain and nervous system that could most effectively help you get the outcome you desire.
- Physiology . The mind and body are totally linked. They way you use your physiology, the way you breathe and hold your body, your posture, facial expressions, the nature and quality of your movements, actually determines what state you are in. The state you’re in then will determine the range and quality of the behaviors you’re able to produce.
The difference between those who succeed and those who fail isn’t what they have, it’s what they choose to see and do with their resources and their experience of life.
Understanding state is the key to understanding change and achieving excellence. Our behavior is the result of the state we’re in. We always do the best we can with the resources available to us, but sometimes we find ourselves in unresourceful states.
You want what money represents to you: the love, confidence, freedom or whatever states you think it can help provide, so the key to love, the key to joy, the key to the one power that man has sought for years, the ability to direct his life, is the ability to know how to direct and manage your states.
If we represent to ourselves that things aren’t going to work, they won’t. If we form representation that things will work, then we create the internal resources we need to produce the state that will support us in producing positive results.
We usually think of beliefs in terms of creeds or doctrines, and that’s what many beliefs are. But in the most basic sense, a belief is any guiding principle, dictum, faith, or passion that can provide meaning and direction in life. Unlimited stimuli are available to us. Beliefs are the prearranged, organized filters to our perceptions of the world. beliefs are like commanders of the brain. When we congruently believe something is true, it is like delivering a command to our brain as to how to represent what is occurring.
Beliefs are the compass and maps that guide us toward our goals and give us the surety to know we’ll get there. Without beliefs or the ability to tap into them, people can be totally disempowered. With powerful guiding beliefs, you have the power to take action and create the world you want to live in. Beliefs help you see what you want and energize you to get it.
You can choose beliefs that limit you, or you can choose beliefs that support you. The trick is to choose the beliefs that are conducive to success and the results you want and to discard the ones that hold you back.
we need to find out where those beliefs come from :
- The first source is the environment, this is where the cycles of success breeding success and failure breeding failure are played out in the most relentless fashion.
- Events, small or large, can help foster beliefs. Most of us have experiences we’ll never forget, instances that had such an impact on us that they were installed into our brains forever. These are the kinds of experiences that form the beliefs that can change our lives.
- Foster belief is through knowledge. Knowledge is one of the great ways to break the shackles of a limiting environment. if you can read about the accomplishments of others, you can create the beliefs that will allow you to succeed.
- Way that results are created is through our past results. The surest way to create a belief that you can do something is to do it once, just once. If you succeed once, it’s far easier to form the belief that you’ll succeed again.
- Way to establish beliefs is through the creating in your mind of the experience you desire in the future as if it were here now. When the results you have around you are not supporting you in being in a powerful and effective state, you can simply create the world the way you want it to be and step into that experience, thereby changing your states, beliefs, and your actions.
7 beliefs that have empowered people to use more, do more, take greater action, and produce greater results:
- Belief #1: Everything happens for a reason and a purpose. The first step toward changing that is to recognize it. Belief in limits creates limited people.
- Belief #2: There is no such thing as failure. belief in failure is a way of poisoning the mind. When we store negative emotions, we affect our physiology, our thinking process, and our state. One of the greatest limitations for most people is their fear of failure. So I suggest you start realizing right now that there’s no such thing as failure. There are only results. you always produce a result. If it’s not the one you desire, you can just change your actions and you’ll produce new results.
- Belief #3: Whatever happens, take responsibility. It’s up to you to change your behavior, your tone of voice, your facial expressions, and so on. We say that the meaning of communication is the response you get. By changing your actions, you can change your communication. By retaining responsibility, you retain the power to change the result you produce.
- Belief #4: It’s not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything. Successful people are especially good at making distinctions between what is necessary for them to understand and what is not. you should discover that there’s a balance between use and knowledge.
- Belief #5: People are your greatest resource. one man alone, no matter how brilliant, will find it very difficult to match the collaborative talents of an effective team.
- Belief #6: Work is play. you will enrich your world and enrich your work if you bring to it the same curiosity and vitality you bring to your play.
- “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation” Mark Twain
- Belief #7: There’s no abiding success without commitment. Individuals who succeed have a belief in the power of commitment. If there’s a single belief that seems almost inseparable from success, it’s that there’s no great success without great commitment.
A swish pattern takes internal representations that normally produce a state of unresourcefulness and causes that to automatically trigger new internal representations that you are in the resourceful state you desire.
Realize that even when you have little or no background information and even when circumstances seem impossible, if you have an excellent model of how to produce a result, you can discover specifically what the model does and duplicate it, and thus produce similar results in a much shorter period of time than you may have thought possible.
You can model any strategy, as long as you put someone in state and find out specifically what he does, in what order and sequence,. The key isn’t to merely learn a few strategies and then use them. The most important thing is to constantly stay attuned to what people do well, and then to find out how they do it, and what their strategies are. That’s what modeling is all about.
Physiology, If you start to grow tired, there are certain specific things you can do with your physiology to continue to communicate this to yourself: a slump in shoulder position, relaxation of many major muscle groups, and the like. You can become tired simply by changing your internal representations so that they give your nervous system a message that you are tired. If you change your physiology to the way it is when you feel strong, it will change your internal representations and how you feel at the moment.
If you stand up straight if you throw your shoulders back, if you breathe deeply from your chest, if you look upward, if you put yourself in a resourceful physiology, you can’t be depressed.
In Anatomy of an Illness, described how he made a miraculous recovery from a long, debilitating illness by laughing his way to health. Laughter was one tool used in a conscious effort to mobilize his will to live and prosper.
Moshe Feldenkrais found that simply by working on a kinesthetic level, you can change your self-image, your state, and the overall functioning of your brain. In fact, he states that the quality of your life is the quality of your movement.
Learn how to learn to run your body:
- Let’s start with the first key to living health, the power of breath - the foundation of health is a healthy bloodstream, the system that transports oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of your body.
- you should breathe in this ratio: inhale one count, hold four counts, exhale two counts. If you inhale for four seconds, you would hold for sixteen and exhale for eight. Why exhale for twice as long as you inhale? That’s when you eliminate toxins via your lymphatic system. Why hold four times as long? That’s how you can fully oxygenate the blood and activate your lymphatic system. When you breathe, you should start from deep in your abdomen, like a vacuum cleaner that’s getting rid of all toxins in the blood system.
- The second key is the principle of eating water-rich food - There are only three kinds of water-content foods on the planet: fruits, vegetables, and sprouts. These will provide you with an abundance of water, the life-giving, cleansing substance. Your diet should consistently assist your body with the process of cleansing, rather than burdening it with indigestible food stuff, limit ingestion of those foods or nonfoods that strain the eliminative organs of the body, the other is to provide enough water to the system to assist in the dilution and elimination of such wastes.
- The third key to living health is the principle of effective food combining. “Take care of your stomach for the first fifty years, and it will take care of you for the next fifty.” Steven Smith.
- Different foods are digested differently. Starchy foods (rice, bread, potatoes, etc) require an alkaline digestive medium, which is initially supplied in the mouth by the enzyme ptyalin. Protein foods (meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, and the like) require an acid medium for digestion, hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Now it is a law of chemistry that two contrary mediums (acid and alkali) cannot work at the same time. They neutralize each other. If you eat a protein with a start, digestion is impaired or completely arrested. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, which ferment and decompose it, giving rise to digestive disorders and gas.
- Incompatible food combinations rob you of energy, and anything that produces a loss of energy is potentially disease-producing. It creates excess acid, which causes the blood to thicken and thus move more slowly through the system, robbing the body of oxygen.
- The fourth key is the law of controlled consumption - Eat less, live more, It can be a form of entertainment, make sure your entertainment isn’t killing you. If you want to eat large quantities of food. Just make sure they’re water-rich foods. you can eat a whole lot more salad than you can steak and remain vibrant and healthy.
- The fifth key to the living health program is the principle of effective fruit consumption. Fruit is the most perfect food. It takes the least amount of energy to digest and gives your body the most in return. The only food your brain can work on is glucose. Fruit is primarily fructose ( which can be easily converted into glucose), and it’s most often 90-95 percent water. That means it’s cleansing and nurturing at the same time.
- You must always eat fruit on an empty stomach. The reason is that fruit is not primarily digested in the stomach. It digests in the small intestine. Fruit is designed to go right through the stomach in a few minutes and into the intestines, where it releases its sugars.
How to model, first you must realize that all results are produced by some specific set of actions. Every effect has a cause. If you exactly reproduce someone’s actions, both internal and external, then you too, can produce the same final result. You begin by modeling someone’s mental actions, starting with his belief system, then you go on to his mental syntax, and finally you mirror his physiology. Do all 3 effectively and you can do just about anything.
People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals, that it, goals that do not inspire them. Anthony Robbins
When the mind has a defined target, it can focus and direct and refocus and redirect until it reaches its intended goal. If it doesn’t have a defined target, its energy is squandered.
You need to decide what you want because that’s the only way you can expect to get it. Follow these 5 rules in formulating your outcomes.
- State your outcome in positive terms.
- Be as specific as possible.
- Have an evidence procedure.
- Be in control.
- Verify that your outcome is ecologically sound and desirable.
If you have enough reasons, you can do anything. Reasons are the difference between being interested versus being committed to accomplishing something. There are many things in life we say we want, but really we’re only interested in them for a time. We must be totally committed to whatever it takes to achieve.
How to get whatever you want: “Ask”, Learn to ask intelligently and precisely. Learn to ask in a way that helps you both define and achieve your outcome.
- Ask specifically.
- Ask someone who can help you. Finding the right person to ask brings us back to the importance of learning how to notice what works.
- Create value for the person you’re asking. Don’t just ask and expect someone to give you something. Figure out how you can help him first.
- Ask with focused, congruent belief. if you aren’t convinced about what you’re asking for, how can anyone else be? So when you ask, do it with absolute conviction.
- Ask until you get what you want. When you ask, you have to change and adjust until you achieve what you want.
Rapport is the ability to enter someone else’s world, to make him feel that you understand him and that you have a strong common bond.
You’re not giving up your identity when you mirror another person. You are not exclusively a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic person. We should all strive to be flexible. Mirroring simply creates a commonality of physiology that underscores our shared humanity.
One essential tenet of NLP is that the meaning of your communication is the response you elicit. The responsibility in communication rests upon you. If you try to persuade someone to do one thing, and he does the other, the fault is in your communication. You didn’t find a way to get your message through.
Metaprograms are the keys to the way a person processes information. They’re powerful internal patterns that help determine how he forms his internal representations and directs his behavior. Metaprograms are internal programs we use in deciding what to pay attention to. We distort, delete, and generalize information because the conscious mind can only pay attention to so many pieces of information at any given time.
- Involves moving toward something or moving away. Everyone moves toward some things and away from others. No one responds the same way to each and every stimulus, although everyone has a dominant mode, a strong tendency toward one program or another. People tend to take actions away from harmful or threatening things rather than toward exciting ones.
- Deals with external and internal frame of reference. a truly effective leader has to have a strong internal frame. He wouldn’t be much of a leader if he spent all his time asking people what they thought of something before he took any action. Also able to take in information effectively from the outside as well.
- Involves sorting by self or sorting by others. some people look at human interactions primarily in terms of what’s in it for them personally, some in terms of what they can do for themselves and others.
- Involves matchers and mismatchers. this metaprogram determines how you sort information to learn, understand and the like. some people response to the world by finding sameness. They look at things and see what they have in common, They’re matchers. Other people are mismatchers, there are 2 kind of mismatcher, one who look at the world and see how things are different and the other kind sees differences with exceptions in reverse.
- Possibility versus necessity. Some people are motivated primarily by necessity, rather than what they want. Other are motivated to look for possibilities, They’re motivated less by what they have to do than by what they want to do. They seek options, experiences, choices, paths
- Person’s working style. Everyone has his own strategy for work. Some people are not happy unless they’re independent. They have great difficulty working closely with other people and can’t work well under a great deal of supervision.
The key to life is opening up as many avenues as possible, trying as many doors, using as many different approaches as it takes to solve a problem.
The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without a struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is called intelligent nonaggressiveness. This is called mastery of men. - Lao Trsu. Tao Teh King
The best salesmen, the best communicators, know it’s very hard to persuade someone to do something he doesn’t want to do. It’s very easy to get him to do what he does want to do. By creating an agreement frame, by leading him naturally rather than through conflict you do the latter, not the former. The key to effective communication is to frame things so that a person is doing what he wants to do, not what you want him to do.
Reframing is crucial to learning how to communicate with ourselves and with others. On the personal level, it’s how we choose to put meaning to events. On a broader level, it’s one of the most effective communication tools available.
A prerequisite to being able to reframe yourself is the ability to disassociate from the depressing experience and see it from a new perspective. Then you can change your internal representation and physiology. if you were in an unresourceful state, now you know how to change it. If you’re putting something in a frame that doesn’t do you any good, change the frame.
How to anchor :
- Clarify the specific outcome you desire to use an anchor for and the specific state that will have the greatest effect in supporting the achievement of that outcome for yourself and/or others.
- Calibrate baseline experience.
- Elicit and shape that individual into the desired state through the use of your verbal and nonverbal communication patterns.
- Use your sensory acuity to determine when the person is at the peak of the state and at that exact moment provide the stimulus (anchor).
- Test anchor by:
- Changing physiology to break state.
- triggering stimulus (anchor) and note if the response is in the desired state.
Affirmation and positive thinking are a start, but they’re not the full answer. Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion. Affirmation with discipline creates miracles.
Key to creating wealth and happiness :
- You must learn how to handle frustration. the key to success is massive frustration. so to ensure long-term success, you must learn how to discipline your frustration. Here’s a two-step formula for handline stress: 1. Don’t sweat the small stuff, 2. Remember, it’s all small stuff.
- You must learn how to handle rejection. The are no real successes without rejection. The more rejection you get, the better you are, the more you’ve learned, the closer you are to your outcome.
- You must learn how to handle financial pressure. After you give away 10 percent of your income, take another 10 percent to reduce your debts and a third 10 percent to build up capital to invest. You need to live on 70 percent of what you have.
- Learn to judge yourself by your goals instead of by what your peers seem to be doing. “Speak with good purpose only” Remember, what we put out comes back to us. So stay away from the garbage of life. Don’t major in minor things.
- Always give more than you expect to receive. “The secret to living is giving.”
Power today is the ability to communicate and the ability to persuade. If you’re a persuader with no legs, you’ll persuade someone to carry you. If you have no money, you’ll persuade someone to lend you some. Persuasion may be the ultimate skill for creating change. Communicating what you have to offer is what life is all about. It’s the most important skill you can develop.