Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers
This book is another new level, usually my notes are only just few words but this is all meat...
We understand how to use funnels. With funnels, we can make 5–10 times as much money for each visitor who clicks on our ads, so we survive and thrive when costs go up. We have mastered the strategy (not just the tactics) behind getting traffic, and these strategies work on all advertising platforms in the past, present, and future. If you master these strategies, then no slap or snap can affect the lifeblood of your company.
Traffic is people, and people are extremely predictable.
Instead, we will be focusing on strategies that don’t change, including: Identifying your dream customers Finding out where they are already congregating online Learning how to “work” your way in Understanding how to “buy” your way in Creating your own publishing platform Building your own distribution lists
But understanding exactly who your dream customer is, discovering where they’re congregating, and throwing out hooks that will grab their attention to pull them into your funnels (where you can tell them a story and make them an offer) is the strategy. That’s the big secret.
What do I mean when I say obsessed? Being obsessed with your customer means understanding them just as well, if not better, than they understand themselves.
When you’re frustrated about a problem you’re having, you look for a solution. If you’re not able to find a solution that gives you the result you want, then you’ll likely go on a journey to find or create your own solution. In that way, your problem becomes your business; in other words, your mess becomes your message.
If you’re going to find them, persuade them to follow you, and hopefully change their lives with the products and services you sell, you need to know and understand them better than they understand themselves. Collier believed that we as marketers should not be trying to figure out how to create the next amazing ad campaign, but instead we need to learn how to “enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.
In Expert Secrets, I introduced the concept of the 3 Core Markets, or the 3 Core Desires. The three desires (in no particular order) are health, wealth, and relationships.
Which of these three desires is my future dream customer trying to receive when they buy my product or service?
Reason #1 — My product fits into more than one of these desires: Many products can be marketed toward getting a result in more than one of these desires, but your marketing message can only focus on one of them. Anytime you try to get your potential customer to believe in two things, your conversions will usually cut in half (most times by 90 percent or more). To target two different desires, you need two different ads leading to two different funnels. Only focus on one desire with each message you put into the market.
Reason #2 — My product doesn’t fit into any of these desires:
Most products can fit into multiple categories, even if they may look as if they don’t fit into any category at all, but no matter what, the key is that your marketing message can and must be focused on only one of the 3 Core Desires.
Moving Away from Pain: The first direction that people can be moving in is away from pain.
I did three things to try to understand the conversation that they were having with themselves each day. I wrote out hundreds of phrases that I used to say to myself when I was trying to solve the problem for myself initially. I looked online in forums, message boards, and groups to see what others are saying when they are trying to get out of pain. I really tried to put myself in their shoes and wrote out what I believed people were thinking.
Moving Toward Pleasure: The second direction that people can be moving in is toward pleasure. They don’t have a desire for health, wealth, or relationships because they are unhappy; they have a desire because they are happy and looking for more.
What are the top websites that my dream customers already go to? What forums or message boards do they participate in? What are the Facebook groups they engage in? Who are the influencers they follow on Facebook and Instagram? What podcasts do they listen to? What are the email newsletters they are subscribed to? What blogs do they read? What channels are they following on YouTube? What keywords are they searching for in Google to find information?
One of the common misunderstandings with traffic is that you have to “create” traffic, but, as you can now see, that just isn’t true. Traffic (your dream customer) is already there. Your job is to identify where they are, tap into those existing streams of traffic, throw out some hooks, and then get a percentage of your dream customers to start coming to you.
On that list I identified: 10+ top websites and forums they spent time on 15+ active Facebook groups they participated in 50+ influencers they followed on Facebook and Instagram 30+ podcasts they listened to 40+ email newsletters they subscribed to 20+ blogs that they actively read 20+ YouTube channels they subscribed to
we talked about how there are two ways that your dream customers will find you: either they’re going to search for you or they’re going to interact with things that interest them where you will interrupt them. I make these same two distinctions when I’m trying to identify where my dream customers are congregating.
If a funnel isn’t converting, it’s always because of the hook, the story, or the offer.
The hook is the thing that grabs someone’s attention so you can tell them a story.
Anyone can throw up an ad and get someone to buy once, but if you are willing to share your stories, build a connection with your audience, and actually serve them instead of only selling them something, they will continue to buy from you over and over again. They will become your advocates and share your message and your ads with their friends.
If any of your traffic campaigns aren’t working, it’s always the hook, the story, or the offer. If the conversion on your landing page isn’t working, it’s always the hook, the story, or the offer. If the attendance to your webinar, the close rate on your pitch, your upsell take rate, or your email open rate is not working, it’s always the hook, the story, or the offer. And if you want to solve all these problems, create better hooks, tell better stories, and make better offers.
if you want to build a business relationship with someone that’s worthwhile, you have to start it before you’re ready to make the deal.
After subscribing to my Dream 100’s content, I try to buy some of their products. This allows me to see their funnels and what they’re selling on their backend and get a good idea of what they are doing. We call this process “funnel hacking,” where you go through their sales process to get ideas of what is working in this market as well as being able to get on their customer lists to see what types of things they send to their customers. When you’re a customer, you can tell them why you love their products. Few things build rapport better and faster than being able to tell someone that you’re a happy customer.
Red Flag #1: Don’t send a templated message.
Red Flag #2: Don’t tell me your story yet.
Green Light #1: This isn’t the first time I’ve ever seen your face.
Green Light #2: They tell me how great I am.
Green Light #3: They’ve done their homework.
Green Light #4: They don’t ask for anything now.
While controlled (paid) traffic usually produces a quick spike, the traffic typically fizzles out. Earned traffic often produces a slower amount of traffic than paid traffic at first, but usually grows over time.
You might still be asking yourself, “Which is better: controlled traffic or earned traffic? Is it better to work your way in or buy your way in?” The answer is, “Both are essential to the long-term success of your company.” If you only focus on paid ads, you are left at the mercy of the networks that allowed you to buy the ads. If and/or when Google or Facebook slaps or snaps, you can lose the lifeblood of your company overnight. If you only rely on earned traffic, you are completely relying on other people to get your message out to the market.
Given the chance to have only one, I’d always choose this third and last type of traffic: traffic that you own.
Your list is your key to your current and future success online. This is the best type of traffic: traffic that you own.
When I first started on my online journey, I heard Mike Litman say, “Amateurs focus on the first sale.”13 I didn’t really understand what that meant until I started using follow-up funnels and realized that I could spend way more money to acquire a customer than I initially believed. Dan Kennedy once said, “Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer wins.”14 With good funnels and a strong follow-up funnel, you can increase how much money you can spend to acquire a customer.
Text Messages:
We’ve found that the ones that give you the most leverage include messages based on: Emotion Logic Fear (urgency and scarcity) Whenever you close someone, make sure to include in your message emotion, logic, and fear.
Every sales page we create has this same style because it addresses the emotion, logic, and fear messages in the order required to create the sale.
Let me walk you through the steps that will make your own show a success. Step #1) Publish daily for at least a year:
“Endure Long Enough to Get Noticed”:
number-one thing they could do from now until next year’s event would be to pick a channel and publish daily on it.
Step #2) Document the journey:
Document. Don’t create. In very simple terms, “documenting” versus “creating” is what The Real World and The Kardashians is to Star Wars and Friends. And don’t get confused—just because you’re “documenting” doesn’t mean you’re not creating content. It’s just a version of creating that is predicated more on practicality instead of having to think of stories or fantasy—something that’s very hard for most people
I believe that the people who are willing to discuss their journeys instead of trying to front themselves as the “next big thing” are going to win.
Step #3) Testing your material:
Publishing your show daily, as you’re documenting your journey, will give you a chance to start testing your material. You’ll discover what messages connect with people, which episodes get shared, and which ones don’t. You’ll see which messages get people to show up and comment and which messages don’t connect. It’s this very process of you showing up consistently and publishing that will help you to refine your message, find your voice, and attract your dream customers to you. It doesn’t matter if your end goal is a book, a webinar, a keynote presentation, a viral video, or something else, the more you publish and test your material, the clearer your message will become and the more people you will attract.
Step #4) Introduction to Your Dream 100:
Step #1: The first step is to figure out what type of show you want to have. If you’re a writer, then you should start a blog. If you like video, then you should start a vlog on one of the video platforms. Lastly, if you like audio, then you should start a podcast.
Step #2: Your show will be you documenting the process of achieving the same goal that your audience will be striving for. As you’re documenting your process, you’ll be testing your material and paying attention to the things that people respond to. If you commit to publishing your show every day for a year, you’ll have the ability to test your material and find your voice, and your dream customers will be able to find you.
Step #3: You’ll leverage your Dream 100 by interviewing them on your show. This will give you the ability to build relationships with them, give them a platform, give you the ability to promote their episode on your show to their audience, and get access to their friends and followers.
Step #4: Even though this is your own show, you’re renting time on someone else’s network. It’s important that you don’t forget it and that you focus on converting it into traffic that you own.
As you create your own show, focus on converting traffic that you earn and control into traffic that you own. And with that, I will close out Section One of this book. So far, we’ve covered a lot of core principles to traffic. We: Identified exactly who your dream client is. Discovered exactly where they are congregating. Talked about how to work your way into those audiences (traffic that you earn) and how you buy your way into those audiences (traffic that you control).
Learned how to take all the traffic that you earn and all the traffic that you buy and turn it all into traffic that you own (building your list). Discussed how to plug that list into a follow-up funnel so you can move them through your value ladder. Prepared to infiltrate your Dream 100, find your voice, and build your following by creating your own show. In the next section, we’ll shift our focus to mastering the pattern to get traffic from any advertising networks (like Instagram, Facebook, Google, and YouTube) and how to understand their algorithms so you can get unlimited traffic and leads pouring into your funnels.
Step #1—Understand the history and the goal of the new platform:
Step #2—Find and model your Dream 100:
Follow each of your Dream 100 and spend 10 minutes each day watching what they are doing. Write down the answers to these questions: What are they posting? How are they getting people to engage with what they post? What paid ads are they running? During these 10 minutes, try to comment, like, and engage with as many things they are doing each day as possible. Notice the pattern of what is working right now and model it for your posts (funnel hacking). This will give you a pulse on what is working in the market on that platform right now. It gives you the ability to see in real time what the algorithms are rewarding today.
Funnel hacking is not copying. Funnel hacking is modeling, and there is a big difference between copying and modeling.
Step #3—Identify the publishing strategy and create your publishing plan:
Step #4—Work your way in:
Step #5—Buy your way in:
Step #6—Fill your funnel:
“Prospecting ads are the act of reaching out into the networks to find cold traffic or people who aren’t familiar with you or your offers and hook them long enough to get their attention. After we’ve gotten their attention and gotten them to engage with us (engage could mean they watched, liked, or commented on an ad), then we move them from the ‘prospecting’ pool into the ‘retargeting’ buckets. We then advertise to these people differently and work to warm them up and then get them into our value ladder.”
If you try to create just one hook, it may last for a while and grab the people who are looking for that hook, but it will dry up very fast. You’ve got to become prolific at creating ads. The phone in your pocket will become your ad-making, creative-generating, hook-developing machine. Everywhere you go, you should be looking for opportunities to record a pitch for your offers that you can then turn into ads.
The more creative you can put into the prospecting ocean, the more fish (dream customers) you’re going to be able to pull out.
Targeting for Prospecting Ads
Dream 100: The best place to start is your Dream 100 list for that platform. When you’re running ads on Facebook and Instagram, you can target people who have an interest in a certain thought leader, brand, or celebrity.
Ideal customer avatar: Second on your targeting list is your ideal customer avatar. Think about their interests, their age, their career, their home life, and anything else you can identify.
Overlapping sections of multiple audiences: Some ad networks let you get more specific in targeting your audiences by layering on multiple criteria and then just targeting the overlapping sections. Think of three overlapping circles, each representing one of the audiences above and then imagine a center area where they all overlap. This center area represents the sweet spot where your dream customer is most likely to be.
80/20 Rule for Prospecting
Yellow highlight | Location: 2,270
Here’s an example from John to show you how this works. Let’s say you spend $2,000 on ads. From that, you get 100,000 people to actually see your ad. The ad performed well and 4% of these people engage with the ad (4,000 people). And 2% of the original 100,000 click the link in the ad and go to your funnel (2,000 clicks). Of these people, 30% of them give you their email address (600 leads). And 10% become buyers (60 buyers).
Through re-targeting, you can reach those who didn’t buy when they first saw your ad.
Audience #1—Engaged:
people are worth some continued ad dollars but not too much or for too long. I tend to run an ad to this audience for up to five days.
Audience #2—Landed:
While they trusted you with their curiosity and visited your page, they didn’t take any further action by opting in or purchasing. I tend to run an ad to this audience for up to seven days trying to get them to come back and take me up on my lead magnet.
Audience #3—Owned:
This is the traffic that you now own, and it becomes very useful and lucrative in many different ways. Not only are they now on your follow-up funnel sequences, but they’re also prime candidates for seeing ads for your next offer or an offer one step up the value ladder.
In order to implement re-targeting, you have to place a pixel (a block of tracking code) on your sales funnel. This is a simple copy/paste procedure that allows the network to see how far along the customer journey your viewer got.
This is important for two reasons. First, it provides feedback for you on what’s working and what’s not (what’s converting these prospects into traffic that you own and what isn’t) so you can pivot in either your targeting or your messaging. It also provides feedback for the algorithm to learn and optimize advertising efforts along with you. Second, the pixel is what allows us to put viewers into the different audience categories, so we’ll know when to put specific ads in front of them. To summarize, effective retargeting has at least three audiences (engaged, landed, and owned), and the end goals should be based on the type of audience the ad is targeted to.
Engaged → Sell the click: Tell the network you want to collect a custom audience of everyone who has interacted with your posts in the past five days. To this audience, you want to show an ad with a hook and story that sells the click.
Landed → Sell the opt-in or purchase: Tell the network you want to collect a custom audience of everyone who has clicked through to your landing page in the past seven days. To this audience, you want to show an ad with a hook and story that sells the opt-in or purchase.
Owned → Sell the next step: Tell the network you want to collect a custom audience of everyone who has converted into a lead and/or sale. To this audience, you want to either offer another front-end product or walk them up the next step on your value ladder.
If you are “working your way in,” then you win this game by: Attracting followers Creating content that engages them and keeps them coming back to the platform for more
As you do that, you can use that attention to get free, organic traffic into your funnels. If you are “buying your way in,” you win by showing your ads to your Dream 100’s followers and pushing them into your funnels. As with all platforms, I believe we should be playing both sides: working our way in and buying our way in.
Modeling is watching what others in your market are doing so you can get ideas on what you can create. To have success on Instagram or on any platform, you have to be you. Your brand and your personality are the keys to getting people to follow and engage with you. The differences you bring into the ecosystem that you serve is the secret that will create your true fans.
“A brand is the image and personality the business applies to its offers.” The Attractive Character is the voice of your company, and what you’re doing on social media is creating the image and personality that can connect with people and lead them into your funnels and to your offers.
To implement the JK5 Method, you first need to create five main categories of things you’re passionate about. This will help to give you a recognizable brand, and as you post images, you’ll simply rotate through these categories so your followers get a good understanding of who you are beyond what you sell.
Before posting any picture or video, though, I highly recommend using Jenna’s “ABCDQ Test” to see if it is “on brand” and therefore worthy for your profile. Here is the test: Aesthetic: Does it visually show something that fits the personality of my brand? Brand: Is it aligned with my dream client or something they will engage with? Consistent: Is it consistent in terms of color or quality to fit within my overall feed? Diversity: Is this something different than my last post? Does it create recognition beyond what I sell? Quality: Is this up to the quality I want my clients/followers to expect? If this stood alone, would it fit my brand?
Goal of Post. Each post you make should have one goal. As I post any picture and write its caption, the first thing I do is decide if the hook is meant to inspire, educate, or entertain: Inspire: It compels others to feel inspired and capable of big things. Educate: It teaches or educates your followers on a subject. Entertain: It provides entertainment for your followers.
Type of Caption. After I decide the goal of the post, I try to figure out the type of caption to post. According to Jenna, the three most common types of… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Tell a story: The posts that do the best on Instagram have one thing in common: they invite you into the story and make you feel a part of the moment, as if… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Ask a question: Having an audience (whether it’s 10 people or 1,000 people) gives you access to people that can help you create the perfect offer! When you’re not sure what to post, ask a question. People… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Questions can be directly related to your offer or just another way to connect with your audience. Plus, questions… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Make a list: You can have a lot of fun with captions by sharing a short list! Some examples include: three things people might not know about you, five facts about your business, three ways to use your products, or the seven best books you’ve ever read. Lists are a fun way to deliver a caption that is easy to read or interesting; they can also further… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Hashtags. So what is a hashtag, and why do you need it? If you think of Instagram as a huge filing cabinet, then the hashtags are the filing folders. When someone searches a hashtag, Instagram finds all the images that use that… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Hashtags are the equivalent of keywords in search engines. Sometimes, you can put your hashtags in your actual caption (we call these overt hashtags) where your audience will see them, but typically most of your hashtags will be posted in the first… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
To increase our reach, we place a few overt keywords in our post and the majority of our covert… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
The offer (your call to action): The last step in creating your post is your CTA. Every single post needs a CTA, and it can vary from being… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Calls to action are important for a lot of reasons. Ultimately, they help you get people off Instagram and onto your lists, but, maybe even more importantly, they help the algorithms know if people like what you’re posting. If your audience comments, likes, and engages with what you post, the algorithms will assume you’re creating content that people want and they’ll reward you by giving you more exposure. When people comment, you should be responding to their comments.… Some highlights have been hidden or truncated due to export limits.
Think of your Facebook page as the Facebook version of your website. I treat this page very carefully. I only put the most curated and the best content on this page. It is the first impression for anyone who sees your paid ads. They will click on the profile of the brand running the ad, and your Fan Page is what they will see. I treat this page almost like my YouTube profile, where, when people come to it, they will see the brand, but then they will hopefully start engaging with all of the videos and images and things that have been posted there. My test for if something should be on my Page is this: Is this content good enough that I will spend at least $10–$20 to boost it? If you’re not willing to pay for ads to that content, then do not post it on your Fan Page.
The Four Phases of Google Phase #1—Popularity through backlinks:
Each link that someone else posted on a page that linked back to your website counted as a “vote” and pushed your page up through Google’s rankings.
Phase #2—Page rank and on-page optimization:
if you had fewer links coming from higher-quality pages, you could win, even with much fewer links. This solved a lot of problems for Google and cleaned up the results for a while, but inevitably it made people start focusing their spamming efforts on better sites.
Phase #3—The Google zoo: Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird:
It started with Panda, which killed content farms and scraper sites that people had created to beat the algorithm. In 2012, Penguin went live, penalizing people who were buying links or obtaining them through networks that were designed to boost search rankings. In 2013, Hummingbird figured out the intent behind a search rather than just the keyword itself, giving Google the artificial intelligence it needed to figure out what people were actually looking for.
Phase #4—Mobilegeddon and Fred:
This was also the year that Google launched their new updated algorithm that ranked you higher if your site was optimized for mobile.
Fred penalized sites that prioritized monetization over user experience. If your site had low user engagement, was thin in content, or had content heavily geared toward conversions, pop-ups, and aggressive advertising, you lost your rankings overnight.
After you’ve found an article that is ranking for your dream keyword that you want to beat, the next step is to write a better piece of content. Here are four things that Brian recommended to do to your article to make your skyscraper taller: Longer: In some cases, publishing an article that’s simply longer or includes more items will do the trick. For example, if you find a link magnet with a title of “50 Healthy Snack Ideas,” publish a list of 150 (or even 500). More up to date: If you can take an out-of-date piece of content and spruce it up, you’ve got yourself a winner. Better designed: A visually stunning piece of content can typically generate a lot more links and social shares than something similar on an ugly page. More thorough: Most lists posts are made of a bland list of bullet points without any meaty content that people can actually use. But if you add a bit of depth for each item on your list, you have yourself a list post that’s much more valuable.
After you write your skyscraper article, you can email the website owners of anyone who has linked to your competitor’s article and let them know you have created a newer, better article.
Instead, I’m looking for sites that have AdSense ads, banner ads, affiliate links to other products, and email newsletter subscription boxes. Then I start contacting the owners of these websites to find out my advertising options. If they have an email newsletter, I ask them if I can purchase a solo ad to their email list (more on this in Secret #17). If they have banner ads on their website, I ask them how much it costs to purchase a banner ad. If they have Google AdSense on their site, then I add their site to my list to target later with Google Display Network or GDN (more on this in Secret #9). If they have an article on that page, then I try to see if I can get them to add a link back to one of my pages in their article. Getting your links to your funnels on the pages that are already ranked for your dream keywords is one of the fastest ways to get super qualified traffic into your funnels.
After your video is posted, you want to get people watching it as soon as possible.
Click-Through Rate (CTR): How many people who see your thumbnail actually click on it? The benchmarks we want for CTR are: 4 percent—Acceptable 6 percent—Good 9 percent—We should throw a party! Initial retention: The first minute of retention is very important. You need to hook people fast and keep them watching. Watch the videos from your Dream 100 to get ideas on how they hook people past the first minute. Try to keep minute one retention above 70 percent. Overall retention: As for your overall video retention, how long is the actual video being watched? We look at how many people make it to the end of the video. The benchmarks for video retention are: 35 percent—Acceptable 40 percent—Good 50 percent—Party time! (You’ll get a lot more reach if your account averages this or better)
What if we created a master show that we streamed on Facebook and Instagram Live that was scripted out to have all the individual assets we needed for each core platform? Then we could prepare all week for the show and stream it live, where our team would have all the assets they needed to make unique content that fit the native language for each platform. And that’s when the Marketing Secrets Live show was born.
I wouldn’t try to launch on all five platforms at one time. Go about it slowly and methodically. As you decide to branch into each new platform, follow the steps in the Fill Your Funnel framework:
Step #1: Understand the history and the goal of the new platform
Step #2: Find and model your Dream 100
Step #3: Identify the publishing strategy and create your publishing plan
Step #4: Work your way in Step
#5: Buy your way in Step
#6: Fill your funnel
Each of your Dream 100 has a distribution channel; that’s why they’re on your Dream 100 list. Each person has the Midas touch, and it’s your job to figure out how you can plug your products into their distribution channels.
The key is to keep your eyes open for streams of traffic and distribution channels that people own; then figure out how to buy ads in them. Each new distribution channel you plug into will give you a raise.
When your mind is looking for these opportunities, somehow they start jumping out at you.
Recruit your army of affiliates Make them affiliates Give your affiliates a reason to promote Train your affiliates to become super affiliates
The first thing you have to do is ask them to be an affiliate, even though asking is oftentimes the hardest part.
The key is getting their attention and giving them a reason to promote.
If your prospect is aware of your product and has realized it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with the product. If he is not aware of your product, but only of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire. If he is not yet aware of what he really seeks but is concerned with the general problem, your headline starts with the problem and crystallizes it into a specific need.
Prospects are at different stages in their awareness of the problem, solution, and product based on the temperature of the traffic.
The difference between talking to hot, warm, and cold traffic is the language that you use. “Funnels” don’t make sense to the masses, so I have to change my language to “money-making website” to match what they would understand.
They know they have pain in the three core desires that you serve (health, wealth, or relationships), but they haven’t started moving toward a solution yet. These people can become your dream customers, but right now they are only problem aware. They are unhappy because they know there is a problem, but they’re not yet aware of the solutions that are possible and they’re definitely not aware of any products that will solve their problems. They only know what the problem is and the results they want.
What language patterns (words and phrases) should I use to explain what I’m trying to warm people up for? What false beliefs do people have that would keep them from buying when they did see my funnel? What stories did I have that could bridge the gaps and break their false beliefs? What content pieces did we need to create to tell these stories?
Each of these little butterflies, growth hacks, or whatever you want to call them, has the ability to change the metrics of your company forever. Start looking at marketing and traffic as a game, and keep your eyes open for the next million-dollar hack that’s right in front of your face!
What I recommend you do while these ideas and concepts are still at the top of your mind: Decide on who you really want to serve. If you really want to fill your funnels with your dream customers, you have to know and understand them better than they understand themselves. Pick the platform you want to publish on first. This will probably be the platform that you personally spend the most time on now, because you’ll understand how to communicate in the unique language of that platform the best. Build your Dream 100 list of the people who have already congregated your dream customers on this platform. Start digging your well with your Dream 100. Figure out ways to serve them and start working your way in. At the same time, learn the tactics of how you can buy your way in on that platform. This is where you should start and focus 100 percent of your energy until your funnel has hit the Two Comma Club, meaning it’s made at least $1 million. At that point, layer on a second platform and then a third. With every dollar, you make online, reinvest a big percentage of your profits back into advertising. Finally, don’t stop. Traffic is the lifeblood of any company, and consistent lead flow is the secret to a healthy business.