Code Katas - Notes

If martial artists use kata as a method for exercise and practice, what might be the equivalent for coders like us? Coding katas are short, repeatable programming challenges which are meant to exercise everything from your focus, to your workflow.

Make folder called Katas, inside make directory called src & tests then run

composer require phpunit/phpunit
vendor/bin/phpunit --generate-configuration


This test does not have a @covers annotation but is expected to have one
 * @test 
 * @covers \\src\\RomanNumerals -> find the one that it refers
* @dataProvider checks -> get the function checks

Prime Numbers

namespace App;

class PrimeFactors {
    public function generate($number) {
        $factors = [];
        for ($divisor = 2; $number > 1;$divisor++ ) {
            for (;$number % $divisor === 0; $number /= $divisor) {
                $factors[] = $divisor;
        return $factors;

use PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase;

class PrimeFactorsTest extends TestCase
     * @test 
     * @dataProvider factors
    function it_generate_prime_factors_for_1($number, $expected)
        $factors = new \\App\\PrimeFactors;

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $factors->generate($number));

    public function factors() {
        return [
            [1, []],
            [2, [2]],
            [3, [3]],
            [4, [2,2]],
            [5, [5]],
            [6, [2,3]],
            [8, [2,2,2]],
            [100, [2,2,5,5]],
            [999, [3,3,3,37]],

Roman Numerals

use App\\RomanNumerals;
use PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase;

class RomanNumeralsTest extends TestCase
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\RomanNumerals
     * @dataProvider checks
    function it_generates_the_roman_numeral_for_1($number, $numeral)
        $this->assertEquals($numeral, RomanNumerals::generate($number));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\RomanNumerals
    function it_cannot_generate_a_roman_numeral()

    public function checks() {
        return [
            [1, 'I'],
            [2, 'II'],
            [3, 'III'],
            [4, 'IV'],
            [5, 'V'],
            [6, 'VI'],
            [7, 'VII'],
            [8, 'VIII'],
            [9, 'IX'],
            [10, 'X'],
            [40, 'XL'],
            [50, 'L'],
            [90, 'XC'],
            [100, 'C'],
            [500, 'D'],
            [400, 'CD'],
            [900, 'CM'],
            [1000, 'M'],


namespace App;

class RomanNumerals {
    const NUMERALS = [
        'M' => 1000,
        'CM' => 900,
        'D' => 500,
        'CD' => 400,
        'C' => 100,
        'XC' => 90,
        'L' => 50,
        'XL' => 40,
        'X' => 10,
        'IX' => 9,
        'V' => 5,
        'IV' => 4,
        'I' => 1
    public static function generate($number) {
        if ($number <= 0) {
            return false;
        $result = '';
        foreach (static::NUMERALS as $numeral => $arabic) {
            for(;$number >= $arabic; $number -= $arabic) {
                $result .= $numeral;
        return $result;



namespace App;

class GameBowling {
    const FRAMES_PER_GAME = 10;
    protected array $rolls = [];

    public function roll(int $pins) {
        $this->rolls[] = $pins;

    protected function isStrike($roll) {
        return $this->pinCount($roll)==10;
    protected function isSpare($roll) {
        return $this->defaultFrameScore($roll) == 10;
    protected function defaultFrameScore(int $roll): int {
        return $this->pinCount($roll) + $this->pinCount($roll+1);
    protected function strikeBonus(int $roll): int {
        return $this->pinCount($roll + 1) + $this->pinCount($roll + 2);
    protected function spareBonus(int $roll): mixed {
        return $this->pinCount($roll + 2);
    protected function pinCount(int $roll): int {
        return $this->rolls[$roll];

    public function score() {
        $score = 0;
        $roll = 0;
        foreach (range(1, self::FRAMES_PER_GAME) as $frame) {

            if ($this->isStrike($roll)) {
                $score += $this->pinCount($roll) + $this->strikeBonus($roll);
                $roll += 1;
            $score += $this->defaultFrameScore($roll);

            if ($this->isSpare($roll)) {
                $score += $this->spareBonus($roll);
                $roll += 2;
            $roll += 2;
        return $score;

use App\\GameBowling;
use PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase;

class GameBowlingTest extends TestCase
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function it_scores_a_gutter_game_as_zero() {
        $game = new GameBowling();
        foreach (range(1,20) as $roll) {
        $this->assertSame(0, $game->score());
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function it_scores_all_ones()
        $game = new GameBowling();

        foreach (range(1, 20) as $roll) {

        $this->assertSame(20, $game->score());
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function it_awards_a_one_roll_bonus_for_every_spare() {
        $game = new GameBowling();



        foreach (range(1,17) as $roll) {
        $this->assertSame(26, $game->score());

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function it_awards_a_two_roll_bonus_for_every_strike() {
        $game = new GameBowling();


        foreach (range(1,16) as $roll) {
        $this->assertSame(24, $game->score());

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function a_spare_on_the_final_frame_grants_one_extra_balls() {
        $game = new GameBowling();

        foreach (range(1,18) as $roll) {
        $this->assertSame(15, $game->score());

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function a_strike_on_the_final_frame_grants_two_extra_balls() {
        $game = new GameBowling();

        foreach (range(1,18) as $roll) {
        $this->assertSame(30, $game->score());

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\GameBowling
    function it_scores_a_perfect_game() {
        $game = new GameBowling();

        foreach (range(1,12) as $roll) {
        $this->assertSame(300, $game->score());

String Calculator Kata

use App\\StringCalculator;
use PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase;

class StringCalculatorTest extends TestCase
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function it_evaluates_an_empty_string_as_0() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(0, $calculator->add(''));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function it_finds_the_sum_of_a_single_number() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(5, $calculator->add('5'));
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function it_finds_the_sum_of_two_numbers() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(10, $calculator->add('5,5'));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function it_finds_the_sum_of_any_amount_of_numbers() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(19, $calculator->add('5,5,5,4'));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function it_accept_a_new_line_character_as_a_delimiter_too() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(10, $calculator->add("5\\n5"));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function negative_numbers_are_not_allowed() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(10, $calculator->add("5,-4"));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function number_greater_than_1000_are_ignored() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(5, $calculator->add("5,1001"));

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\StringCalculator
    function it_supports_custom_delimiters() {
        $calculator = new StringCalculator;
        $this->assertEquals(20, $calculator->add("//:\\n5:4:11"));



namespace App;

class StringCalculator {

    const MAX_NUMBER_ALLOWED = 1000;
    protected string $delimiter = ",|\\n";

    public function add(string $numbers) {
        $this->disallowNegatives($numbers = $this->parseString($numbers));
        return array_sum($this

    protected function parseString(string $numbers) {
        $customDelimiter = '\\/\\/(.)\\n';
        if (preg_match("/{$customDelimiter}/",$numbers, $matches)) {
            $this->delimiter = $matches[1];
            $numbers = str_replace($matches[0], '', $numbers);
        return preg_split("/{$this->delimiter}/", $numbers);

    protected function disallowNegatives(array $numbers): void {
        foreach ($numbers as $number) {
            if (!empty($number) && $number < 0) {
                throw new \\Exception('Negative numbers are disallowed');
    protected function ignoreGreaterThan1000(array $numbers): array {
        return array_filter(
            $numbers, fn($number) => $number <= self::MAX_NUMBER_ALLOWED


Tennis Match


namespace App;

class TennisMatch {

    protected Player $playerOne;
    protected Player $playerTwo;

    public function __construct(Player $playerOne, Player $playerTwo) {
        $this->playerOne = $playerOne;
        $this->playerTwo = $playerTwo;

    public function score() {

        if ($this->hasWinner()) {
            return 'Winner: '.$this->leader()->name;

        if ($this->hasAdvantage()) {
            return 'Advantage: ' . $this->leader()->name;

        if ($this->isDeuce()) {
            return 'deuce';

        return sprintf(
    protected function hasWinner(): bool {
        if (max([$this->playerOne->points, $this->playerTwo->points]) < 4) {
            return false;
        return abs($this->playerOne->points - $this->playerTwo->points) >= 2 ;

    protected function leader(): Player {
        return $this->playerOne->points > $this->playerTwo->points 
            ? $this->playerOne 
            : $this->playerTwo;
    protected function isDeuce(): bool {
        return $this->canBeWon() && $this->playerOne->points === $this->playerTwo->points;

    protected function hasAdvantage(): bool {
        if ($this->canBeWon()) {
            return ! $this->isDeuce();
        return false;

    protected function canBeWon(): bool {
        return $this->playerOne->points >= 3 && $this->playerTwo->points >= 3;

namespace App;

class Player
    public string $name;
    public int $points = 0;

    public function __construct(string $name) {
        $this->name = $name;

    public function score() {

    public function toTerm() {
        switch($this->points) {
            case '0':
                return 'love';
            case '1':
                return 'fifteen';
            case '2':
                return 'thirty';
            case '3':
                return 'forty';

namespace App;

class TennisMatch {

    protected Player $playerOne;
    protected Player $playerTwo;

    public function __construct(Player $playerOne, Player $playerTwo) {
        $this->playerOne = $playerOne;
        $this->playerTwo = $playerTwo;

    public function score() {

        if ($this->hasWinner()) {
            return 'Winner: '.$this->leader()->name;

        if ($this->hasAdvantage()) {
            return 'Advantage: ' . $this->leader()->name;

        if ($this->isDeuce()) {
            return 'deuce';

        return sprintf(
    protected function hasWinner(): bool {
        if (max([$this->playerOne->points, $this->playerTwo->points]) < 4) {
            return false;
        return abs($this->playerOne->points - $this->playerTwo->points) >= 2 ;

    protected function leader(): Player {
        return $this->playerOne->points > $this->playerTwo->points 
            ? $this->playerOne 
            : $this->playerTwo;
    protected function isDeuce(): bool {
        return $this->canBeWon() && $this->playerOne->points === $this->playerTwo->points;

    protected function hasAdvantage(): bool {
        if ($this->canBeWon()) {
            return ! $this->isDeuce();
        return false;

    protected function canBeWon(): bool {
        return $this->playerOne->points >= 3 && $this->playerTwo->points >= 3;

Gilded rose Kata (best)

We’ll be refactoring this.


namespace App;

class GildedRose
    public $name;

    public $quality;

    public $sellIn;

    public function __construct($name, $quality, $sellIn)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->quality = $quality;
        $this->sellIn = $sellIn;

    public static function of($name, $quality, $sellIn)
        return new static($name, $quality, $sellIn);

    public function tick()
        if ($this->name != 'Aged Brie' and $this->name != 'Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert') {
            if ($this->quality > 0) {
                if ($this->name != 'Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros') {
                    $this->quality = $this->quality - 1;
        } else {
            if ($this->quality < 50) {
                $this->quality = $this->quality + 1;

                if ($this->name == 'Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert') {
                    if ($this->sellIn < 11) {
                        if ($this->quality < 50) {
                            $this->quality = $this->quality + 1;
                    if ($this->sellIn < 6) {
                        if ($this->quality < 50) {
                            $this->quality = $this->quality + 1;

        if ($this->name != 'Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros') {
            $this->sellIn = $this->sellIn - 1;

        if ($this->sellIn < 0) {
            if ($this->name != 'Aged Brie') {
                if ($this->name != 'Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert') {
                    if ($this->quality > 0) {
                        if ($this->name != 'Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros') {
                            $this->quality = $this->quality - 1;
                } else {
                    $this->quality = $this->quality - $this->quality;
            } else {
                if ($this->quality < 50) {
                    $this->quality = $this->quality + 1;



namespace App;

class GildedRose
    private static $items = [
        'normal' => Item::class,
        'Aged Brie' => Brie::class,
        'Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros' => Sulfuras::class,
        'Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert' => BackstagePasses::class,
        'Conjured Mana Cake' => Conjured::class,

    public static function of($name, $quality, $sellIn)
        if (! array_key_exists($name, self::$items)) {
            throw new \\InvalidArgumentException('Item type does not exist.');
        $class = self::$items[$name];
        return new $class($quality, $sellIn);

namespace App;

class Item {
    public $sellIn;
    public $quality;

    public function __construct($quality, $sellIn) {
        $this->sellIn = $sellIn;
        $this->quality = $quality;

    public function tick() {
        $this->sellIn-= 1;
        $this->quality-= 1;

        if ($this->sellIn <= 0 && $this->quality > 0) {
            $this->quality -= 1;

        if ($this->quality <= 0) {
            $this->quality = 0;

namespace App;

class Brie extends Item {
    public function tick() {
        $this->sellIn -= 1;
        $this->quality += 1;

        if ($this->sellIn <= 0) {
            $this->quality += 1;
        if ($this->quality > 50) {
            $this->quality = 50;

namespace App;

class Sulfuras extends Item {
    public function tick() {

namespace App;

class BackstagePasses extends Item {
    public function tick() {
        $this->quality += 1;

        if ($this->sellIn <= 10) {
            $this->quality += 1;

        if ($this->sellIn <= 5) {
            $this->quality += 1;
        if ($this->sellIn <= 0) {
            $this->quality = 0;

        if ($this->quality > 50) {
            $this->quality = 50;
        $this->sellIn-= 1;

namespace App;

class Conjured extends Item {
    public function tick() {
        $this->sellIn-= 1;
        $this->quality-= 2;

        if ($this->sellIn <= 0 && $this->quality > 0) {
            $this->quality -= 2;

        if ($this->quality <= 0) {
            $this->quality = 0;

99 Bottles Kata


namespace App;

class Song {
    public function sing() {
        return $this->verses(99,0);

    public function verses($start, $end) {
        return implode("\\n", array_map(
            fn($number) => $this->verse($number), 
            range($start, $end)

    public function verse($number) {

        switch ($number) {
            case 2:
                    "2 bottles of beer on the wall\\n".
                    "2 bottles of beer\\n".
                    "Take one down and pass it around\\n".
                    "1 bottle of beer on the wall\\n";
            case 1:
                    "1 bottle of beer on the wall\\n".
                    "1 bottle of beer\\n".
                    "Take one down and pass it around\\n".
                    "No more bottles of beer on the wall\\n";
            case 0:
                    "No more bottles of beer on the wall\\n".
                    "No more bottles of beer\\n".
                    "Go to the store and buy some more\\n".
                    "99 bottles of beer on the wall";
                    $number . " bottles of beer on the wall\\n".
                    $number . " bottles of beer\\n".
                    "Take one down and pass it around\\n".
                    $number - 1 . " bottles of beer on the wall\\n";
use App\\Song;
use PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase;

class SongTest extends TestCase

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\Song
    function ninety_nine_bottle_first() {
        $expected = <<<EOT
            99 bottles of beer on the wall
            99 bottles of beer
            Take one down and pass it around
            98 bottles of beer on the wall

        $result = (new Song)->verse(99);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\Song
    function ninety_eight_bottle_verse() {
        $expected = <<<EOT
            98 bottles of beer on the wall
            98 bottles of beer
            Take one down and pass it around
            97 bottles of beer on the wall

        $result = (new Song)->verse(98);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\Song
    function two_bottle_verse() {
        $expected = <<<EOT
            2 bottles of beer on the wall
            2 bottles of beer
            Take one down and pass it around
            1 bottle of beer on the wall

        $result = (new Song)->verse(2);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\Song
    function one_bottle_verse() {
        $expected = <<<EOT
            1 bottle of beer on the wall
            1 bottle of beer
            Take one down and pass it around
            No more bottles of beer on the wall
        $result = (new Song)->verse(1);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\Song
    function no_more_bottle_verse() {
        $expected = <<<EOT
            No more bottles of beer on the wall
            No more bottles of beer
            Go to the store and buy some more
            99 bottles of beer on the wall
        $result = (new Song)->verse(0);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);

     * @test 
     * @covers \\src\\Song
    function it_gets_the_lyrics() {
        //$this->assertEquals(true, true);
        $expected = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/stubs/lyrics.stub');
        $result = (new Song)->sing();

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);

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