Eloquent Performance Pattern - notes

use laravel debugbar

composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev

use index to make it faster

// everything in column field needs to be indexed
order by {field}, where {field} = 1

do not use *

// *
	->groupBy(fn($post) => $post->published_at->year);

use select

	->select('id','title','slug','published_at','author_id') // <- this
	->groupBy(fn($post) => $post->published_at->year);

within with() can select too

	->with('author:id,name') // <- this
	->groupBy(fn($post) => $post->published_at->year);

When using with() loads more data, subquery only can return 1 column back

$user = User::query()
	->addSelect(['last_login_at' => 
			->whereColumn('user_id', 'users.id')
	]) // instead of with
	->withCasts(['last_login_at' => 'datetime']) // instead of diffForHumans()

dynamic relationship

$user = User::query()

public function lastLogin() {
	return $this->belongsTo(Login::class);

public function scopeWithLastLogin($query) {
	$query->addSelect(['last_login_id' => Login::select('id')
		->whereColumn('user_id', 'users.id')

conditional aggregates

	count(case when status = 'Requested' then 1 end) as requested,
	count(case when status = 'Planned' then 1 end) as planned,
	count(case when status = 'Completed' then 1 end) as completed
from features

$statuses = Feature::toBase()
	->selectRaw("count(case when status = 'Requested' then 1 end) as requested")
	->selectRaw("count(case when status = 'Planned' then 1 end) as planned")
	->selectRaw("count(case when status = 'Completed' then 1 end) as completed")

optimizing circular relationship

public function show(Feature $feature)
	return view('feature', ['feature' => $feature]);

multi column searching

$users = User::query()
return view('users', ['users' => $users]);

public function scopeSearch($query, string $terms = null) {
	collect(explode(' ', $terms))->filter()->each(function($term) use ($query) {
		$term = '%' . $term . '%';
		$query->where(function($query) use ($term) {
			$query->where('first_name', 'like', $term)
				->orWhere('last_name', 'like', $term)
				->orWhereHas('company', function($query) use ($term) {
					$query->where('name', 'like', $term);

normalize field using regex

Schema::created('companies', function(Blueprint $table) {
	->virtualAs("regexp_replace(first_name, '[^A-Za-z0-9]', '')")->index();

limit rows by user_id with loggedin user

public function scopeVisibleTo($query, User $user) {
	if ($user->is_owner) {
	$query->where('sales_rep_id', $user->id);

compound index where it’s a multiple index into 1, the order of the index matters, the example needs to be last_name first then the first_name not the other way around.


subquery has one relationship, order without using leftjoin

$user = User::query()

subquery belongs to relationship,

order by without using leftjoin but for this case leftjoin is faster so use left join.

//join (faster)
$user = User::query()
$user = User::query()

subquery has many relationship

$user = User::query()
	->join('logins', 'logins.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
	->groupBy('users.id') // error below

trouble when adding groupBy → order by clause is not in group by clause and contains nonaggregated column

// use this
->orderByRaw('max(logins.created_at) desc')


$user = User::query()
		->whereColumn('user_id', 'users.id')

Subquery belongs to many

$books = Book::query()
	->join('checkouts', 'checkouts.book_id', '=', 'books.id')
	->orderByRaw('max(checkouts.borrowed_date) desc')

// to subquery
$books = Book::query()
		->whereColumn('book_id', 'books.id')

// another way
$books = Book::query()
	->orderByDesc(function($query) {
				->whereColumn('book_id', 'books.id')

// another way
$books = Book::query()
		->join('checkouts', 'checkouts.book_id', '=', 'books.id')
		->whereColumn('checkouts.book_id', 'books.id')

order with nulls first

$book = Book::query()
	->orderByDesc('user_id') // messes up the order name

$book = Book::query()
	->orderByRaw('user_id is null')
// this query shows the null first
$users = User::query()
	->when(request('sort') === 'town', function($query) {
			$query->orderBy('town', request('direction'));

$users = User::query()
	->when(request('sort') === 'town', function($query) {
			$query->orderByRaw('town is null')
				->orderBy('town', request('direction'));

Ordering by custom algorithm

status using when

public function scopeOrderByStatus($query, $direction)
			when status = "Requested" then 1
			when status = "Approved" then 2
			when status = "Completed" then 3
	'), $direction);

then in migration

Schema::create('features', function(Blueprint $table) {
			when status = "Requested" then 1
			when status = "Approved" then 2
			when status = "Completed" then 3
	'), 'feature_status_ranking_index');

activity using count

$features = Feature::query()
	->withCount('comments', 'votes')

public function scopeOrderByActivity($query, $direction)
		DB::raw('(votes_count + (comments_count *))'),

Filtering and sorting

$users = User::query()

public function scopeOrderByBirthday($query)
	$query->orderByRaw('date_format(birth_date, "%m-%d")');

Schema::create('features', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->rawIndex("date_format(birth_date, '%m-%d'), name", 'users_birthday_name_index');

public function scopeWhereBirthdayThisWeek($query)
	$query->whereRaw('date_format(birth_date, "%m-%d") between ? and ?', [

	// OR

	$query->whereRaw(date_format(birthdate, '%m-%d') in (?,?,?,?,?,?) ,


	create fulltext index posts_fulltext_index
	on posts(title, body)
	with parser ngram

// example
select id, title, match(title, body) against ('fox' in boolean mode) as score
from posts
where match(title, body) against ('fox' in boolean mode)

$posts = Post::query()
	->when(request('search'),function($query, $search) {
		$query->selectRaw('*,match(title, body) against(? in boolean mode)' as score, [$search])
			->whereRaw('match(title, body) against(? in boolean mode)', [$search])
	}, function($query) {

Getting distance between geo points

Schema::create('stores', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->point('location', 4326);

$myLocation = [-79.47, 43.14];
$stores = Store::query()
	->withinDistanceTo($myLocation, 10000)

public function scopeWithinDistanceTo($query, [] $coordinates, int $distance) {
	$distance = strtolower($direction) === 'asc' ? 'asc', : 'desc';
		ST_SRID(Point(?, ?),4326),
	) <= ?', $direction, $coordinates);

public function scopeWithinDistanceTo($query, [] $coordinates, int $distance) {
		ST_SRID(Point(longitude, latitude),4326),
		ST_SRID(Point(?, ?),4326),
	) <= ?', [...$coordinates, $distance]);

public function scopeSelectDistanceTo($query, array $coordinates) {
	if (is_null($query->getQuery()->columns)) {

		ST_SRID(Point(longitude, latitude),4326),
		ST_SRID(Point(?, ?),4326),
	) as distance', $coordinates);

// change to this

		ST_SRID(Point(?, ?),4326),
	) as distance', $coordinates);

filter by geospatial

Schema::create('customer', function(Blueprint $table) {

Schema::create('regions', function(Blueprint $table) {

public function scopeInRegion($query, $region) {
	$query->whereRaw('ST_Contains(?, customers.location)', [$region->geometry]);