Anathassa Thirds Birthday

since i havent been doing some blogging lately because of some stuffs, i decided to blog again and decided to share this opening speech which is in indonesian. well the story is that i was never been good at talking in public but for this special day i decided to say something for the speech before we started to pray (usually my father in law always do the talking and the opening speech but because of something he couldnt make it)

for the third birthday of our daughter we decided to bring some kids from the orphange it was about 15 - 20 kids, so you dont get lost in this story, then we pray together with the ustad after that we sing happy birthday. in my opinion i rather invite the orphanage than creating a birthday party, somehow it feels right helping those orphans.

well this are my notes maybe for those who will have the same experience but dont know what to say.


Selamat sore saudara2 semuanya... Terima kasih sudah hadir untuk syukuran tacca yang baru saja beranjak 3 tahun pas 12 agustus kemarin. Alhamdulilah kita juga kedatangan ustad dan anak2 panti dari yayasan al-mubarokah pasar jumat.

Pada kesempatan ini kami mengajak semua yang hadir untuk memanjatkan doa agar kita selalu diberikan berkah dan rahmat oleh Allah SWT.

Selanjutnya doa akan di lanjutkan oleh pa ustad.
